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Brushing Your Child’s Teeth: How to Teach Your Child

When it comes to cleanliness, you must pick your fights with your child as a parent. If your child despises having their hair brushed, you might be able to work out a shorter cut that takes less upkeep. What is one thing you will not compromise on as a parent? Brushing their teeth. Not only …

Brushing Your Child’s Teeth: How to Teach Your ChildRead More

Top Five Trends in Newborn Clothes

Best Infant Clothes Trends: Onesies are more of a need than a trend, thanks to the ease of movement for newborns and easy access to diapers for mothers. They’re also known as bodysuits and may be found in practically any baby store. Baby clothing has taken the fashion world by storm in the latest generations. …

Top Five Trends in Newborn ClothesRead More

Things every first-time dad should know

In most cases, it’s always tricky for new dads to know what is expected of them in this role. However, you are just as crucial to your baby’s growth and development as the mother is. One of the things that will change is the sleeping pattern. Infants require constant care and attention; hence parents must …

Things every first-time dad should knowRead More

Dressing a Newborn

Newborn clothes should be cozy, squishy, and easy to maintain. Because infants outgrow their garments rapidly, mothers should only purchase what they require at each age. Some of the most common age group sizes for baby clothes include 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 9-12 months, and 12-24 months. Women should also consider infant outfits that are …

Dressing a NewbornRead More

Why you need a nursing bra and what to look for while shopping for one

Why do you need nursing bras? You have Large, full, heavy breasts – Nursing bras can hold up the extra weight of your nursing breasts. You are leaking – Nursing pads are worn inside to soak excess leaking breast milk. Your nipples are sore – A nursing bra can hold breast shells in place to …

Why you need a nursing bra and what to look for while shopping for oneRead More


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